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Get Tightvac Coffeevac CFVB Black Top/Black Body 1.85-Liter/1.6-Quart deal. Deals available for you on Tightvac Coffeevac CFVB at Best prices. Search for lowest deals.
Product Description
Tightvac Storage System Containers vacuum seal to preserve fresh produce and dry goods longer than other typical container systems. Store food conveniently in Tightvac containers in the refrigerator, pantry, or on the countertop. The Tightvac easy to use patented closure system creates a vacuum seal simply by pushing the button on the lid as you close it. Tightvac Storage Containers can help you save on groceries by preserving the shelf life of coffee, tea, cereal, flour, herbs, spices, and other dried bulk goods. Eliminate the waste of throw-away storage systems by using a reusable Tightvac container.
- Great 1 Pound Coffee Storage Container
- Easy Push Button Vacuum System Allows Coffee Bean Gasses To Escape Without Letting in Oxygen
- Wide Mouth Design Allows for Easy Scooping
- Odorless, Air Tight, and Water Resistant
- Reusable Durable Container and Lid Made from Food Grade BPA Free Polystyrene #6 Plastic
User Reviews
Arthur Bradley
First let me say that the Tightvac Coffeevac is a quality container that does a perfectly fine job of sealing coffee. It is easy to use and durable. No complaints.There is some confusion about the "vac" feature, so I'll explain how it works. There is a simple valve in the lid that, when pressed, allows air to flow freely. You press the button when putting on the lid to allow the excess air (in the lid) to be forced out. The lid presses down flat onto the container, so there is very little air left in the container, assuming it is full of coffee. If you don't press the button, it will feel like you're trying to push a balloon underwater (basically increasing air pressure). The idea is to fill the cannister as full as possible with coffee, and then put the lid on while releasing the extra air through the lid valve. It's not a vaccuum since there's no sucking of air out of the system. Rather, it is an airtight cannister with very little air trapped with the coffee, which helps to keep the coffee fresh.Written by Arthur Bradley, author of the "Handbook to Practical Disaster Preparedness for the Family."Please be kind enough to indicate if reviews are helpful.
David Johnson
You can cram a whole bag of beans in to this bad boy. I have two of them, a small one for coffee I have ground up for use this week, and the larger one for keeping whole beans. They keep me well stocked in fresh coffee.
john manganaro
As other reviewers mentioned, this is not a vacuum seal container, rather it displaces air when you push the lid down on the container and then forms a tight seal leaving some air behind. I use a french press daily and grind my own beans to hold in the container. I have had my latest batch in there for 2+ weeks now and the brew tastes the same as it did two weeks ago. Not sure how long the flavor will hold but in my case it is long enough.
Rating: 4.3 40 reviews
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