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Buy Melitta White Coffee Filter, #2 - 100 Count best price. Best deal is presented for you on Melitta White Coffee at Lowest prices. Find for best prices.
Item Information
World's No. 1 selling. Double crimp for extra strength. Guaranteed not to burst. Fits all coffeemakers that use a No. 2 size filter cone. Made in USA.
- 100 filters
- Bleached with oxygen, not dioxin - friendly to your system and the ecosystem
- Fits all coffeemakers that use a No. 2 size filter cone
- Made exclusively from Virgin Pulp paper for strength and purity
- 4 Trees are planted for every 1 used in the production of Melitta paper filters
Customer Opinions
Michael Kerner
I definitely love a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Now that so many choose to have coffee numerous different ways, there are just those who need the right filters. Melita knows that with their coffee filters. They are convient and stronger in hold than any other filters on the market. They work great with #2 coffeemakers, and especially are convient for those who've purchased the individual ground coffeemaker Melita's Perfect Brew and Perfect Start coffee filter cups where all you have to do is just boil water and pour, and you will get a convient cup of coffee. I really recommend Melita a whole lot, they are worth the price.Price: B+Strength: A-Overall: B+
J. Park
Product does exactly what it's supposed to do. Filters coffee and keeps the oil from the coffee beans out. However, I found out that my local Target store normally sells them at $3.19 per 100 count. At the time of this review, it's at $2.99. I should have done my homework.
C. Lynn
This coffee filter size is hard to find in stores so I was happy to find it online at a reasonable price. I stocked up to save on the shipping and made it worth while.
Rating: 3.8 12 reviews
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