Best offer for Cuisinart DGB-600CL Thermal Carafe Lid, Black is now available. This best item is currently available, you can buy it now for just $0.00 and usually ships within a single day.
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Order Cuisinart DGB-600CL Thermal Carafe Lid, Black top item. Top deals available for you on Cuisinart Thermal Carafe at Best prices. Find for best deals.
Item Description
Lid for Cuisinart DGB-600 thermal carafe. Black.
- Fits Models: DCC-1150, DGB-600BC, DGB-650BC
Customer Opinions
M. Hendry
I know, five star review, but don't buy it, here's why.It only needs to be replaced if it's broken, and it probably just needs maintenance. It has three main functions.* Lid. Screws into the carafe and seals it.* Fill valve. Floats when fresh coffee comes in from the top to let it into the carafe.* Pour valve. Flips sideways when you take the carafe out and pour a cup.All of these pieces of machinery can get gunked up with coffee oil and dust after a while.To clean, just soak during the day in soapy water and then blast with hot water - all orifices, all directions with the hot tap on full blast. A lot of gunk will come out.Leave to dry and by morning you'll be good to go.
Had the brew and grind for about a year. The carafe lid decided it no longer wanted to keep up with the brew rate and would spill all over the counter 2 out of 3 days. Not fun when you set you program to brew at 5:30 a.m. so you have fresh coffee and go down to a mess instead. NOT a good way to wake up.I gave this 4 stars because of the fact I had to replace the lid in the first place. Other than that (Cuisinart problem) everything, including the seller and shipping was perfect!
I could not get lid off of my coffee pot, I found a new lid and took a chance that this was the problem and presto problem solved !!YEA
Rating: 4.6 14 reviews
Tags: Cuisinart Thermal Carafe
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