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Item Description
628354 Features: -Coffeemaker filters.-For all percolators and Norelco drip coffeemakers with a 3.5'' basket.-Made in USA. Dimensions: -Overall dimensions: 4'' H x 6'' W x 0.75'' D.
- Melitta
- 628354
- Coffee Makers & Accessories
P. Taskovich
These Melitta Disc Coffee Filters for percolators do a great job in reducing the amount of grounds ending up in the brewed coffee brewed with a percolator. I use them with my Farberware percolator and they make a noticeable difference in improving the taste of the coffee by eliminating the bitterness that the coffee grounds can cause.These filters are especially helpful if your purchase pre-packaged ground coffee (instead of grinding your own coffee) because most pre-packaged ground coffees are ground too fine for percolators.To get the best result with these filters, 1) be sure to use only one filter at a time (it's easy to accidentally use two or three filters together because these filters are very thin and tend to stick together in the package), and 2) be sure to wet the filter after placing the filter inside the percolator (but before adding the ground coffee) to help create a good seal.Also, to avoid shipping charges, one can special order these filters from most Ace Hardware stores (with no additional charges) and it will arrive at the store usually within three business days.
Elizabeth R. Mcleod
it was wonderful to finally find the 3 1/2 inch coffee filter discs - can't find in the grocery store any more!!
Susan M. Franklin
These work very well in our new percolator - it makes it easy to clean the used grinds from the container. Wouldn't make a pot of coffee without using one of these, that's for sure!
Rating: 4.4 81 reviews
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