Sunday, May 12, 2013

EZ-Cup Coffee Machines On Sale

On sale now for EZ-Cup for Keurig Coffee Machines By Perfect Pod is becoming hot. This cool EZ-Cup Keurig Coffee is now on sale, you might purchase it right now for only $19.99 and often delivered in 24 hours.

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Order EZ-Cup for Keurig Coffee Machines By Perfect Pod deal. lowest price available for you on EZ-Cup Keurig Coffee at Best prices. Find for lowest prices.

Product Description

EZ-Cup By Perfect Pod for Keurig Coffee Machines

Use any coffee in your Keurig Coffee Machines!

Self tamping spring extracts a better cup of coffee or tea.

The EZ Cup MUST be used with EZ Cup FILTERS (Sold separtaely).

Simple to use and reuse!

1. Place paper filter in center of EZ Cup and wrap edges around EZ Cup

2. Fill coffee into filter

3. Close paper filter lid and wrap lid edges around rim

4. Close the EZ Cup lid and make sure it is tightly closed. Insert in your Keiurig machine as you would a K-Cup

Requires EZ Cup paper filters

Strong Feat

  • Use any coffee in your Keurig Coffee Machines
  • Self tamping spring extracts a better cup of coffee or tea
  • Simple to use and reuse!
  • For use with EZ-Cup throw away filters

User Reviews

Easy to fill, easy to clean. 4 Stars only because of price.
brian k meagher

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A quick overview of loading the EZ-Cup for Keurig machines, using the EZ-Cup Filter Papers by Perfect Pod (50 Filters)

Jenn Rodriguez

i had received a keurig coffee maker for christmas. i was tickled because i really love drinking coffee one fresh cup at a time. and being the only coffee drinker in the house, making a whole pot was just wasteful. up until now, i'd been using a french press and tea kettle, which made a great cup of coffee, but took forever. long story short, i really like this machine.of course though, it's great flaw is the ridiculous amount of WASTE. as great a cup of coffee those little k-cups make, i just can't bring myself to throwing out one of those little bits of landfill fodder every time i want a cup of joe. i had received that official reusable mesh filter device with the coffee maker, to use my own coffee, but that device isn't worth the cardboard it came in. its design is terribly flawed and not once could i get a decent cup from it. we even tried some diy hacks, trying to make something or retrofit something that would give a comparable brew to the k-cups. no go. frustrated, i searched for something that would work.this is it. i was apprehensive about buying it, not wanting to shell out more money on a device that just wouldn't work, but luckily it gave me a great cup right out of the gate. while i wish i could have found something that created zero waste (besides the coffee grounds) for this machine, i can live with composting these paper filters with the grounds. it's a little more complicated (a few more steps) than just sticking a cup in the holster, but this is the design that works and it's not hard to use. i get to drink the coffee i love using this fast and easy machine, one cup at a time without throwing out those awful plastic cups.what's great is that it works just fine with "drip brew" coffee grounds, which is what you usually find in the pre-ground packs at the grocery store. freshly ground coffee is always better, but i don't have a grinder of my own yet, and i hate using the machines at the store (they have no finesse and pulverize the beans regardless of ground setting.)

Nice product, once I figured it out.
Kyrsty Moon

I have fought many battles with this thing, and I think the two of us have finally come to terms.First, a little background. I received my first one in a very timely fashion. I tried it out, and was very disappointed when the filters kept breaking. I managed to remedy the breaking filters by not putting as much coffee in it, which yielded unacceptably weak coffee (medium roast from starbucks). I got frustrated, threw the thing away, and left a not-so-nice review here.I was then contacted by the owner, who was very adamant that the product worked just fine and wanted to send me a new one. He told me to try a finer ground coffee. Since there wasn't much to loose, I agreed. The new one showed up and I tried it out, just to have every single filter break. I thought maybe it was the needle puncturing the button, but the break was almost always on the other side. I fiddled with it some, managed to break it - well, managed to accidentally disassemble it, actually. I re-bent wires, re-attached the platform, re-attached the wires to the holder and tried it again. Lo and behold, the filter did not break! The coffee, however, was weak. This I really didn't understand since I had it ground somewhere between powder and drip coffee. I got frustrated, almost threw it out (again) but the instead put it aside to try again later with.This morning I was feeling adventurous, so I tried again. I don't know why I thought the result would be different with the same inputs; it wasn't. Weak coffee. I glanced over at all of my k-cups. I grabbed my favorite one and opened it to look at what the coffee was ground like. Looked an awful lot like the coffee I got from Starbucks when I asked them for it ground for a drip machine. Maybe a little smaller grained, but not much. I thought that was pretty strange, since I'd actually been using finer ground than that with my most recent trial runs. I thought maybe there was something buggy about the design of the ez-cup itself, so I wanted to try known good coffee in it. I started to pour the k-cup coffee in, and lo and behold all of it would not fit! That was certainly interesting.I decided to run the risk of accidentally disassembling the ez-cup again, and managed to move the platform lower. I tried again, it all still wouldn't fit. I moved it lower still. Now when I poured the coffee in it all fit, but was right up to the top of the ez-cup. I couldn't put the platform any lower though, since the edges of the filter, where they bend over the sides, were now right at the top of the ez-cup. I thought I'd have a nice mess to clean up after trying this, but I put the lid on it anyway and put it in my machine and pressed the "go" button. I waited for the inevitable filter breakage, but it didn't come. The cup was brewed. I doctored it up and tasted it...was just like it came out of the k-cup itself. That was, needless to say, pretty exciting.I decided to try the exact same thing with my coffee. I ground up the coffee until it looked like what I thought I remembered from the k-cup and filled it all the way up to the top. I put it in the machine, and with some trepidation I hit the "go" button. I wound up with a cup of coffee, no filter breakage. I doctored up the coffee and tasted it. PERFECT.Here's the explanation for my rating of this product. With all of the trouble I went through to get it to work in the first place, I would rate it a 3-star. Yes in the end I wound up with what I was looking for, but it was a long road to get there. I rate it with four stars, however, because the owner took a personal interest in my dissatisfaction with the product and sent me another, free of charge, to convince me that it actually does work. He's very nice and very personable. I cannot, in good conscience however, give this product five stars. I've had simply too many problems with it. I think four is a fair compromise.If you have problems with this product, I would try the following. If the filter breaks, pay attention to where the filter is breaking. Make sure the end part of the spring is not extending past the platform. Make sure the platform is in the absolute middle of the ez-cup. I suspect, also, that a coffee ground too finely may make the filter break also. If your coffee is weak, make sure you are putting enough coffee in it and the beans are ground appropriately. It really is helpful, as I found out, to open a k-cup and compare coffee. Ensure your ground looks like that, and that all of the coffee in the k-cup will fit into the ez-cup. If it wont, you need to move the platform down.

Rating: 4.1 333 reviews

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