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Item Info
700 basket coffee filters 8-12 Cup Basket
Factor Benefits
- 700 basket coffee filters
- 8-12 Cup Basket
User Reviews
"adam Smith"
No problems with my order. If anything, they seem a little thicker than the ones I've been using which were purchased in a grocery store. These fit perfectly in my Mr Coffee 8-12 cup appliance.
Marshall Carter
There's not a whole lot to say here. These are good, standard basket coffee filters. They're a bit thicker than some of the cheap ones I've bought in the past. They're good filters at a good price, so they're what you're looking for.
R. King
I buy these filters about every 18 months or so and have for years. They have never fallen apart or leaked coffee grounds into the pot. They do not leave a paper taste and fit into any 8 to 10 cup Mr coffee brewer perfectly. Their packaged in a strong no nonsense plastic wrapper. The filters are separated into sections [look at the listing picture] and when you separate one section for use the plastic wrapper closes around the rest of the filters and keeps them clean.
Rating: 4.5 30 reviews
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