Best offer for Brew Rite #4 Cone Coffee Filters, White Paper, 100-Count Bags (Pack of 8) is now alive. This best Brew #4 Cone is now available, you might buy it right now for only $17.14 and usually ships in 24 hours.
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Order Brew Rite #4 Cone Coffee Filters, White Paper, 100-Count Bags (Pack of 8) lowest price. Deals is presented for you on Brew #4 Cone at Best prices. Search for best deals.
Item Info
To brew a great cup of coffee, you need a quality filter that fits. Brew Rite and Natural Brew #4 Cone Filters Fit Melitta #4, Krups, Bosch, Braun, Oster, Salton and all other #4 cone-style coffee makers. (8-12 cup) 2-1/16" base cone.
- Cone style coffee filters
- Convenient and resealable bag
User Reviews
The feature of these filters that has not been mentioned by any reviewers is each filter has a small 'tab' on the top of only one side of the filter. The tab makes it easy to separate the two sides of the filter, to 'open' it for the filter holder. Even such a small tab costs the manufacturer something in using more paper but the tab differentiates these filters from the more expensive Melitta Cone Coffee Filters, White, No. 4, 100-Count Filters (Pack of 6) which do not have a tab.I use the used filters and coffee with potted plants. Ground coffee are good soil additives because they are acidic so I put the used coffee filters, with the ground coffee still in them, at the bottom of pots to block the drainage holes. The filter with the coffee- keep the soil from draining out of the pot- yet allow the pots to drain slowly and amends the soil beneath the pot. Do not place such pots on surfaces that you don't want to be stained coffee color- keep insects such as earwigs and nematodes out,- keep the roots from growing into the ground.I also put the used filters and grounds on top of the soil, around the plant stem to slightly acidify the soil with each watering, and to keep out weeds and pests. They keep the soil from splattering when watering. The coffee smell discourages animals from digging in the pots. If you use a coarse grind, breaking up the used filter and grounds then mixing the bits into the potting mix will help to aerate the mixture while keeping it moist.
Does what it should do and have not had any problems. Have had these for a while now. We make coffee every morning Monday through Friday with these. We have so many and my wife got a tip that they are great for cleaning windows and mirrors instead of paper towels that we use them for that as well. It was a good tip.
I have the Cuisinart 1200BCH - 12C Program Coffeemaker and these cone filters work great for it. I found that Amazon has the best value by far for these!
Rating: 4.8 39 reviews
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