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Product Info
Rockline #4 Cone Coffee Filters - Oxygen Cleansed- 400 Count
Strong Feat
- 400 Count
User Opinions
Andy Spooner
I'm not sure what role oxygen had to play in the manufacture of these filters (see description), but they work just fine, and the price is right. They are the same size as competitors' filters. In a few weeks of use I have found they hold up well to normal use. You can grab them out of the coffee maker to throw away old grounds without any worries that the filter will rip open or anything like that.
These are the tapered filters that fit the Zojirushi perfectly. Good price. I don't know if 'oxygen cleansed' means that they are better, but there is no odor as with some other filters. Will order these again and again.
J. L. Carr
These filters seem about on par with the Melitta No. 4 white paper filters. Excellent price, especially with PRIME shipping. I would have preferred unbleached ones but then I heard some companies simply dye them light brown to look unbleached!
Rating: 4.4 57 reviews
Key: #4 Cone Coffee, Rockline #4 Coffee, Rockline Cone Coffee, Rockline #4 Cone
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