Get the best deal for Update International EP-12 Stainless Steel Frothing Pitcher, 12-Ounce is now available. This awesome product is currently on sale, you could buy it now for only $8.66 and often delivered in a day.
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Purchase Update International EP-12 Stainless Steel Frothing Pitcher, 12-Ounce lowest price. lowest price available for you on Update International EP-12 at Best prices. Find for best prices.
Item Description
This frothing pitcher is becoming more standard in places that don’t specialize solely in beans. Made of stainless steel material. This frothing pitcher is use for steam milk for cappuccino and lattes. The frothing pitcher is handy item for new varieties of coffee drinks. The frothing pitcher feature is a molded pouring spout and a sturdy handle. Comes with 12-ounce capacity. Measures 3-3/4-inch height.
- Frothing pitcher
- Made of stainless steel material
- This frothing pitcher is use for steam milk for cappuccino and lattes
- Feature is a molded pouring spout and a sturdy handle
- Comes with 12-ounce capacity
Customer Reviews
A. D. Sian
Very small. Steams enough milk for 1 serving of double-shot latte. When deciding on size, always measure liberally. Take into account that steamed milk usually doubles in size if done properly.
This is a decently built pitcher, but too small for good frothing action -- tends to spill over. A 20 oz. pitcher seems to work better.This pitcher's dimensions are: about 2.65" wide at the top, about 2.8" wide at the bottom and about 3.6" deep.
This is an ok size for creating a small 2 cup cappaccino with the Mr Coffee Cappaccino Maker. This size does not give you very much frothing room for larger drinks and I will probably purchase the 20oz size soon. The quality is excellent, sturdy stainless steel and heats the milk alot quicker than a ceramic mug I have been using. Get this for making smaller drinks but if you want more frothing room I would get the 20oz or even larger.
Rating: 4.3 189 reviews
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