Best deal for BUNN NCD 10-Cup Black Coffee Decanter is now available. This best BUNN 10-Cup Black is now available, you may purchase it now for just $14.99 and usually ships in a day.
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Purchase BUNN NCD 10-Cup Black Coffee Decanter top product. Best deal available for you on BUNN 10-Cup Black at Discounted prices. Search for lowest deals.
Item Description
The Prize Patrol stopped in front of your house and you were so flabbergasted you dropped the pot of coffee you were holding! Or perhaps a more mundane occurrence, like the phone ringing, caused you to bang your carafe just a tad too hard against the side of the sink. Not to worry, replacement carafes are available for most coffeemakers.
- 10-cup decanter
- Black handle
User Reviews
Jeffery L. Richardson
I saw the one star rating and just had to say something. This decanter is no more fragile than any other GLASS decanter. Yes, it will break if you strike it against the sink while washing it out. Of course most people are not clumsy, they are simply too fast. Speed breaks glass most of the time. Slow down, and your decanter will last much longer. I just broke mine, first time in 6 years. Yep, I struck a glass because I didn't have my contacts in yet. Should have waited but I was in a hurry. Murphy's Law is always waiting for anyone in a hurry.
William A. Wiegand
Better than original because lid is fixed. Original had removable lid and we always seemed to put pouring area off center causing spills.
J. Omohundro
We broke our decanter on our Bunn coffeemaker. We've had the coffee maker for maybe 10 years, and we were worried that a new one wouldn't fit. Much to our satisfaction, this decanter fits our coffee maker perfectly and works just as good as the original ever did. Great product!
Rating: 4.5 71 reviews
Key: BUNN 10-Cup Black, BUNN NCD 10-Cup, BUNN NCD Black
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