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Purchase Finum 100 Tea Filters, Large, Brown best deal. lowest price is presented for you on Finum 100 Filters, at Discounted prices. Get for lowest prices.
Product Information
Finum Tea Filter size large (braun) Up to 6 tea cups finum filters are internationally renown. The variety of sizes give each tea enthusiast the chance to enjoy their tea in their individually preferred manner. Our oxygen bleached paper is famous for its unique true-flavor filtering qualities. They are chlorine free and biodegradable. The double-fold bottom of the filter provides the tea leaves enough room for their flavor to fully unfold. With a practical long fill-in-flap, which makes it easier to fill in your tea. The flap is also used to fix the filter at the rim of your tea pot by closing the lid.
- 100 Filters
- Aromatreu unbleached paper (chlorine-free)
- With double bottom-fold and filling-flap.
- Length (including flap): 7-inch, Width: 3,1-inch
- Instructions for use are available in 4 languages (D, FR, USA/GB, NL).
Customer Opinions
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I, for one, while loving loose teas, hate the stray strands of tea that escape the typical tea egg. But these disposable tea bags solved that problem forever.Check out our video showing how easy these are to use and why we love them.
T. Zuckerman
My favourite way to brew tea. I love loose tea, but hate using loose tea holders and strainers. Somehow the tea bits get through, or it's in the dishwasher when I want to make tea. This allows you to enjoy incredible loose tea varietals without dealing with the straining. Believe it or not, those fancy loose teas are a lot cheaper than bagged varieties. Ounce per ounce, loose teas are a greater value and by large, have a much better taste. Finum tea filters help you enjoy your cuppa without the hassles!
These are great!My wife (our resident tea drinker ...) found them larger than she liked.However ... I found if I cut them in half and then used our Food Sealing machine's heat sealing bar, I could close the bags! (Not incidentally doubling the bags to 200!)My wife's a happy camper now, and so am I (the two, of course being linked ...Grin).GREAT PRODUCT!
Rating: 4.5 64 reviews
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