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Product Description
The Breville Knocchi Knock Box is a Barista inspired coffee knock box for quick and easy disposal of used coffee grounds. The stainless steel body is durable and looks great on the countertop.
Factor Benefits
- Durable die-cast metal barista-style knock box
- Knock bar made of engineering-grade polymers
- Removable inner vessel; top-rack dishwasher-safe
- Polymer ring around the bottom helps prevent slipping
- Measures 6-4/5 by 7 by 7-1/4 inches
Stephen McHenry
If you are making espresso then you are creating used coffee grinds; this knock-box is a solution for handling them. You don't want to knock the filter basket onto the trash can to dump the grinds in the trash since then you would be loading fresh grinds into the device you just had in the trash (and the inner basket nearly always falls out of the holder into the trash can so you have to fish it out). Knocking used grinds into the sink is not such a good idea as the fine grinds will eventually clog the drains.Our coffee drink of choice is cafe-au-lait so we make 4 double baskets of espresso every morning. How much you need a knock box depends on what quantity of used coffee grinds you have to deal with.This is a nice looking well made knock-box that can set back on the counter, within reach without looking bad. The inside is dark so one really doesn't see a pile of used coffee grinds out in the open. The sturdy rubber like knock-bar makes it easy to expel the used grinds to reload with fresh. The inner liner removes so that you can dump the grinds easily (we put our used grinds into our NatureMill composter). It can hold a lot of used grinds and the grinds do not smell or create odor problems sitting out. The knock=box just looks like another counter cannister to the casual observer.A functional attractive solution. How much used coffee grinds do you generate, how are you handling them now? We have had this for over a year and are glad we bought it.
Joey D. Luka
Very stylish, but much larger than expected. Serves purpose well. Double check dimensions when purchasing.
J. Barry Mascari
This knock box offers a professional way to knock espresso grounds from the handle without splattering all over the kitchen OR having to empty the box after a few servings. It is also a modern, professional looking box made of durable composite materials and is easier to clean than metal.
Rating: 4.5 43 reviews
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