Best offer for Breville BKC100 K-Cup Carousel, Silver/Black is trending. This best item is now available, you might purchase it right now for just $59.99 and often delivered within a day.
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Buy Breville BKC100 K-Cup Carousel, Silver/Black best price. Top deals available for you on Breville K-Cup Carousel, at Best prices. Search for lowest prices.
Item Description
The Breville BKC100 K-Cup Carousel is the perfect partner to the BKC600XL Gourmet Single Cup Beverage brewer. The premium stainless steel carousel has been designed to be the same height as the brewer and rotates on a 360 degrees swivel base to provide full access to all 30 single K-Cup beverage selections.
- Premium stainless steel construction
- Holds 30 single K-Cups
- Same height as K-Cup single-cup brewer
- 360 degree swivel base
- K-Cups not included
Customer Reviews
C. Batten
Although I overpaid for this product online I am extremely happy with my purchase (I just saw this same item at Target for far less then what I paid +shipping... so sad. Look for it in Kitchen Appliances nearby (or) mixed in with other coffee makers).I originally considered the 'xmas tree/wire frame' style K-cup Carousel but I think this is a better product. It's very sturdy, holds an impressive 30 k-cups, takes up minimal counter space, rotates 'smoothly' (something I read the xmas tree style carosel does not do very well), and matches our Black and Silver Keurig coffee maker.
Barefoot Tom
This is a great looking rack for your K-Cups however it is only $24.95 direct from Keurig so why pay #39.95 here?
Carolina Girl
I bought a Keurig 30 K-cup holder at BJ's warehouse club for $25. It looks very much like the the Breville pictured, but it has a black handle at the top that says "Keurig". This would be the one you can order at the Keurig site. It looks very nice in a contemporary setting, less "workplace" oriented. I have it next to my Keurig B66 on a Silestone countertop and it looks better than the metal carousel would have looked. I visited Bed Bath and Beyond, which only carries the Breville for $39.99, and a woman demonstrating a competing system that uses a type of "cup" was using it instead of the metal carousel for the same reason - it simply looks nicer. I think that what your kitchen or workplace looks like may help you decide which K-cup holder to purchase. By the way, it is really good to have any K-cup holder as the alternative is a box or plastic crate with K-cups heaped in there - functional, but that's all!
Rating: 4.8 50 reviews
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