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Order Melitta U S A Inc 624412 No. 4 Cone Natural Brown Paper Filter best price. Top deals available for you on Melitta U A at Best prices. Get for lowest prices.
Product Info
World's No. 1 selling coffee filters. Double crimp for extra strength. Guaranteed not to burst. Fits all coffeemakers that use a No. 4 size filter cone. No. 624412: 40 count No. 624602: 100 count
- Melitta
- 624412
- Coffee Makers & Accessories
User Opinions
Ellis 77
I have tried other types of coffee filter but like these the best. The taste of the coffee is good and not papery.
Jeremy Marks
These coffee filters are excellent quality and seem to be more durable than their bleached counterparts. The package I purchased came with six boxes of 100 filters and will likely last me the rest of my life, but if I ever need more I will certainly buy this product again.
These filters are great, well-made and look and should be better with out being bleached. Work well in my coffee maker!
Rating: 4.2 16 reviews
Key: U S A, Melitta S A, Melitta U A, Melitta U S
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