Best offer for Danesco Espresso Tamper - 1.7 inch/2.2 inch is now available. This cool Espresso Tamper 1.7 is currently available, you might purchase it this moment for only $0.00 and often ships within a single day.
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Order Danesco Espresso Tamper - 1.7 inch/2.2 inch best price. lowest price is presented for you on Espresso Tamper 1.7 at Best prices. Search for lowest deals.
Product Information
This brushed stainless steel espresso tamper has two tamping heads: one 1.7 inch diameter and the other 2.2 inch diameter.
Dimensions: 2.75 inch height
Materials: Stainless steel
Care: Dishwasher safe
Strong Feat
- This brushed stainless steel espresso tamper has two tamping heads: one 46 mm (1-13/16") diamet...
- Sold individually
- Dimensions: 2�"L
Marco Nable
To you guys out there who noticed that this tamper does not have a straight edge and wondering if this will fit thru or "tamp" thru your metal filter basket... after whipping out my caliper, here's the exact size: 46.5mm/55mm. The packaging says it's 4.5cm/5.5cm -that's 45mm/55mm. So it turns out the packaging is wrong on the smaller tamp and the title at Amazon for this product is also wrong on the bigger side, it's 55mm, not 54mm i.e. it's listed as "Danesco Espresso Tamper - 46/54 mm". So measure your filter basket correctly to avoid having to send this back.
Barbara Evans
This tamper has improved my espresso considerably. I like the two size options and the fact that it has a bit of weight to it makes it feel like the right tool for the job. I would recommend this product.
Jay Ess
I have always pressed the espresso grounds with the scoop. This tamper is the perfect size for my individual espresso maker. I was afraid it was going to be too big but it's perfect!
Rating: 3.9 8 reviews
Key: Espresso Tamper 1.7
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