Best offer for Chemex Coffee Maker Cleaning Brush is trending. This best Coffee Maker Cleaning is now available, you may purchase it now for only $0.00 and often delivered in a single day.
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Buy Chemex Coffee Maker Cleaning Brush lowest price. lowest price available for you on Coffee Maker Cleaning at Discounted prices. Find for best prices.
Product Description
This generous, long handled brush makes easy work of cleaning a Chemex� coffeemaker or cup.
- 14" wood handle
- Acrylic bristles
Customer Reviews
This brush works well, but it's wooden handle was treated with a thin sealer that quickly flaked off allowing the handle to warp.
this misses the spot, the description and the type of brushed shipped do not match. this is the nylon brush 14" as opposed to the acrylic 16" covers all the areas of the chemex for cleaning, but the first time i pushed it in, it already lost one little "V" brush end. i fear it'll just keep losing pieces.otherwise it does a good job cleaning the chemex.
We have the smaller coffee maker. When the brush is dry it's a tight fit. Wet the brush, it fits in the carafe and works just fine.
Rating: 4.4 21 reviews
Tags: Coffee Maker Cleaning, Chemex Coffee Maker, Chemex Coffee Cleaning
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