Best offer for Durgol 0291 Swiss Espresso Decalcifying Liquid for Coffee/Espresso Machines 2-bottle is now available. This cool product is currently available, you might buy it this moment for just $0.00 and usually delivered within 24 hours.
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Purchase Durgol 0291 Swiss Espresso Decalcifying Liquid for Coffee/Espresso Machines 2-bottle best deal. Best deal available for you on Durgol 0291 Espresso at Lowest prices. Get for best deals.
Product Description
Durgol Liquid Decalcigying Solution works 20 times faster than vinegar. Ideal for coffee makers, irons, pots and pans, chrome plated sinks, faucets and shower heads
- Model No.: 7510
- Origin: Switzerland
- Cleaning & Care: For All Capresso Coffee/Espresso Machines but #121
- Special Features: Odorless Tasteless Ready-To-Use
User Opinions
K. Yeh
I bought a De Longhi Magnifica Super Automatic espresso machine from Starbucks about 2 years ago. I use it almost everyday and since buying it, I have descaled it usually once a month, even though the automatic descaler indicator did not warn me to do so. I was using the descaler that was sold at Starbucks not knowing that the powder was actually not good for the internal components of the machine. Eventually, the steam wand would not work and I would constantly get a message that the beans were too fine and to adjust the grinder. When I called CS, they told me to use the Durgol. Thank goodness they did! After 1 cycle of descaling and dark, dirty deposits, the steam wand was back to normal. Yeah!!!
Sandy Kowalski
Before purchasing Durgol I read through the Amazon custmoer reviews. One person had the same espresso machine as me (Breville Cafe Roma) and the product had worked as promised. Same here. It's great product that unclogged my espresso machine, which now brews the perfect espesso and frothy, steamed milk. The only thing I would recommend is that the instructions indicate only one time through with fresh water after decalifying is necessary. I would suggest at least twice or even three times to get all the Durgol cleaned out, and you'll be amazed at how much stuff will still be coming out of your machine.
Tracey Rentcome
We first came across this product as a sample included with our coffee machine purchased through Starbucks (we have a de Longhi). This was the easiest de-scale we had ever performed, so have continued to use this product for the past six months on both of our machines. The De Longhi has an automatic sensor that tells us when to descale and we keep at least 2 bottles of Durgol on hand so we are always ready. This has lead to a longer life span for our coffee machines and keeps the coffee free flowing. Try it and see, I am certain you'll never go back to the powders you have to mix...
Rating: 4.8 14 reviews
Tags: Durgol Swiss Espresso, Durgol 0291 Espresso, Durgol 0291 Swiss
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