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Purchase Cuisinart DCC-1200 Black Plastic Brew Basket top product. Top deals available for you on Cuisinart Black Plastic at Lowest prices. Find for lowest prices.
Product Description
Factor Benefits
- Fits Models: DCC-1200
User Opinions
John H. Gruver
My Cuisinart DCC-1200 12-Cup Brew Central Coffeemaker, Black and Stainless Steel is still under warranty (bought from Amazon JUN 09) so I looked up the warranty on [...] and sure enough, it's warrantied. Called the Cuisinart number 18007260190, and after a bit of waiting talked to a rep who is sending my replacement Cuisinart DCC-1200FB Filter Basket for free. BTW: that Cuisinart website list these for $5.
First, let me note, I am not connected with this company at all. I just researched the part and came upon it. The previous review seems to discredit the $8.00 part because cuisinart charges $5. But what they did not say is that shipping at Cuisinart is $5.95, pushing the total to $10.95. Folks, I'll pay a modest markup to avoid shipping charges every time (depending on how much shipping is ofcourse). If your product is covered under warranty, by all means, call them first. This is not the fault of the company selling the part. It is research that should have been done before ordering this part. As for me, I bought my cuisinart at a thrift store and this part was missing (as I sadly found out when trying to fill a cup half-way through the brewing cycle :o) I found the order process very smooth and confidence-inspiring. And they're much cheaper than small where I had previously done my shopping. I think I will start here in future for parts!
Works just like the original in my Cuisinart DCC-1200 Brew Central 12-Cup Programmable Coffeemaker, Black/Brushed Metal. I had to replace the original because the piece that stops coffee from dripping through when you remove the carafe broke off.
Rating: 4.7 7 reviews
Key: Cuisinart Black Plastic, Cuisinart DCC-1200 Black, Cuisinart DCC-1200 Plastic
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