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Get Alfi Sophie White Thermal Carafe, 33-Ounce best price. Best deal is presented for you on Alfi Sophie Thermal at Discounted prices. Search for best deals.
Product Information
Perfect for entertaining or everyday use, Alfi carafes feature amazing thermal properties and vacuum seals, keeping your beverages fresh, and just the right temperature for many hours. High quality German design, function, and beauty come together in this handsome Alfi carafe.
Factor Benefits
- Keeps beverages hot for hours
- Handy push level pour spout
- Alfidur Vacuum glass liner
- All seals and screw fittings are food safe and quality tested
- German quality standards
User Reviews
Brown Bear
Buyer Beware - - the 8 cup carafe is actually 1 liter which translates into 4 cups NOT 8 cups.The 4 cup carafe is actually 2.75 cups.I love the product but watch which one you buy. It is listed this way on all websites not just Amazon.
Q Dickerson
I brought this carafe for my husband for Christmas. I never expected it to work so well. We brew coffees only twice a day, drink a cup, save the rest for later. It stays hot for hours, without the burned taste of coffee being continually heated. Aside from convenience, it probably has cut our coffee budget in half. A great find, highly recommended. And I love the cobalt blue color.
Victoria L. Terry
This carafe is absolutely wonderful. It keeps my tea so hot. One day I forgot to empty it and 6 hours later it was still hot. Buy it. You will love it.
Rating: 4.3 32 reviews
Tags: Alfi White Thermal, Alfi Sophie Thermal, Sophie White Thermal
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