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Get Bosch Tassimo Cleaning Disc best deal. Top deals available for you on Bosch Tassimo Disc at Discounted prices. Get for best prices.
Product Info
- Spare/replacement Bosch Tassimo cleaning disc
- It is the small clear plastic disc that is used for cleaning your Tassimo machine
- Works with all Bosch Tassimo machines (T10, T20, T40, T42, T45, T65, T85) , except the new T5x series.
- Works with all Braun Tassimo machines too
Customer Opinions
Great replacement for the original one that comes with the tassimo. Definitely a must have if you want to keep your tassimo functioning to its greatest potential.
Works well if you want just hot water from your Tassimo coffee maker or if you want to clean it.
The cleaner does the job, and worked fine for me. It's nothing special just a cleaner, and is very easy to use. If you know how to make coffee, you will know how to operate the cleaning disk.
Rating: 4.7 3 reviews
Lookup: Bosch Tassimo Disc, Bosch Tassimo Cleaning, Bosch Cleaning Disc, Tassimo Cleaning Disc
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