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Buy Rattleware 53-Milimeter Aluminum Tamper best deal. Best deal is presented for you on Rattleware 53-Milimeter Tamper at Discounted prices. Search for lowest deals.
Item Description
Rattleware 53mm Aluminum Tamper
- Great basic tamper
- Proportioned to be easy on your hands
- Measure the inside of your portafilter insert to guarantee proper fit
- Matte finish
Customer Reviews
Really nice product, hefty and shiny.Unfortunately, it doesn't fit the filter baskets for the DeLonghi EC155 Espresso Maker. It's too big.
T. Harward
I tried to measure the portafilter in my Saeco Via Venezia and landed on 53mm - turns out I was exactly correct.This results in a perfect tamp nearly every time with the ideal area and weight. Up to you to get the pressure right of course, but the size is so perfect that there's almost a pressurized air-tight seal you can feel as you tamp, which is ideal. It's also beautifully made, seems to be machined out of a block of solid aluminum. It will, without a doubt, last several centuries without wearing down.I got a second one for my father's older Starbucks "Barista" machine. He's modded it halfway to heaven with temperature gauges, pressure controls, and all sorts of crazy stuff, but was still using the wrong sized tamper - terry's tamper with the 2 ends, neither of which fit the portafilter! I had a sneaking suspicion it was also 53mm, and sure enough it fits perfectly.So, I have personally confirmed it works on:- Saeco Via Venezia- Starbucks Baristaand it is of perfect quality, stylish, and functional. Highly recommended.
Eric Goetschalckx
This fits the Saeco Aroma perfectly.Its a nice piece, and performs very well. Comes in a little burlap sack for storage.Bonus: using this with my pressurized portafilter results in a more solid espresso puck, which simplifies cleanup a little.
Rating: 4.7 33 reviews
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