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Item Description
Rattleware 58mm Aluminum Tamper
- Great basic tamper
- Proportioned to be easy on your hands
- Measure the inside of your portafilter insert to guarantee proper fit
- Matte finish
Customer Reviews
I did some measuring and ordered this 58mm one for my Gaggia espresso maker after seeing Good Eats and Alton Brown talking about the importance of a tamper in making a good espresso and getting 40-50lbs of pressure when you tamp the grounds in. I didn't feel like paying $20 for it, but then said screw it and let me try it. And it does make a difference, easier to tamp and since it fits inside perfectly less mess too. Plus easy cleanup. totally worth it and makes it easier for me to make a good espresso.
Jonathan A. Young
Works perfectly with the KitchenAid pro-line espresso machine. Has a nice weight, and seems to be well machined. Best of all, it just plain works. I worked in a coffee shop as a teenager and this feels just like what we used. If you spent enough to buy a nice espresso machine, spend $20 more and get a decent tamper. It really does make a difference. Having the ground properly compressed is what helps produce the proper pressure that allows you to make espresso instead of just strong coffee.
I now received 2 different models of Rattleware tampers in a row with a defect in the metalwork. Since the tamper arrives packaged in a nice protective cloth, it looks to me like these defects are probably manufacturing defects.
Rating: 4.5 17 reviews
Key: Rattleware 58-Milimeter Tamper, Rattleware Aluminum Tamper
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