Get the best deal for BUNN 28696 2.15-Liter Push Button Airpot Coffee/Tea Dispenser is now alive. This best BUNN 28696 Push is currently on sale, you can buy it now for just $59.99 and usually ships in a day.
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Purchase BUNN 28696 2.15-Liter Push Button Airpot Coffee/Tea Dispenser deal. Best deal is presented for you on BUNN 28696 Push at Discounted prices. Find for best prices.
Product Info
BUNN is the preferred beverage equipment provider for fine restaurants and other food service establishments because the equipment consistently produces high quality beverages.
Factor Benefits
- Brew-through insert
- 2.15-Liter capacity
- Dispenses up to 4-ounces at the first pump
- Glass insulation keeps beverage hot for hours
- Attractive, chrome finish with black trim
User Reviews
Works great. It's a taller than I expected... a bit large for my kitchen counter. We bought it because we found we were throwing out so much coffee and wasting money. The pot has helped keep coffee fresh and hot for several hours, so we aren't throwing coffee/money down the drain. If you are one to throw out old coffee because it tastes burnt or is cold, the pot will pay for itself in no time. If the coffee drinkers in your household wake up at different hours, this pot is the perfect solution to not having to make another pot.
Daniel Gabbard
The look on my mother-in-laws face when she saw "Bunn" and "Air Pot" was priceless. Then she figured out what it was and she was pleased. It was exactly what she asked for though she would have never known its actual name if she were to ever order it herself. She has used it several time hence for family and church activities. It is a safe, effective and tasteful (even classy/professional) way to get hot cocoa or coffee from A to B.
John Jowers
Keeps beverages warm for several hours/most of the day. The pump is a little harder to operate than the lever type. Capacity is exactly what I needed. Item arrived in good condition.
Rating: 4.6 8 reviews
Tags: BUNN 28696 Push, BUNN 2.15-Liter Push
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