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Item Information
Bene Casa BC-85024 colador for coffee. Colador de cafe. A "colador de cafe" is a Spanish cloth coffee filter, or a "coffee strainer". They have the distinction of being one of the least expensive ways to make coffee. They provide a smooth, rich, strong cup of coffee in the Spanish style - without any gritty coffee grounds in the bottom of the cup. Keep your paper filters out of the landfills by using this reusable cloth filter for your coffee.
Strong Feat
- Spanish cloth coffee filter
- Provides a smooth, rich, strong cup of coffee without gritty grounds
- Green option to paper filters
Customer Reviews
M. Mitchell
Today's market is flooded with coffee-geek info and state-of-the-art gadgets for roasting, grinding, and perking/pressing "the bean". Third world countries have long used the simple Colador or "coffee sock" method for making coffee: 1.Boil water, 2.Grind beans, 3.Put ground beans in Colador, 4.Pour hot water over ground beans (best hold Colador over a cup while water filters through the ground beans - about 30 seconds or less), 5.Dispose of grounds. 6.Thoroughly rinse Colador under running water, 7.Set aside to dry.Want a darker, richer cuppa? Pour coffee through the Colador and grounds a second time (obviously into another cup). A second filtering will take slightly longer than the first, because the fabric of the Colador will be permeated with wet grounds.I paid $.99 for my Colador (bought six - have given away all but two) and believe it will hold its own in competition with the finest and fanciest coffee-making systems.
Barbara Lane
Excellent product for the money. Customer service was great!My Colador came quickly and was exactly what I was looking for.
I fell in love with coffee in Argentina. Not from Argentine coffee, which is atrocious, but delicious Costa Rican coffee. The girl I met and fell in love with down there was from Costa Rica, and made coffee with a "coffee sock" every morning for me.I've been looking for a product like this available in the US for a while. You wouldn't think it'd be so difficult to find. There's nothing to it. It's not quite as thick as other ones I've bought in various Latin American countries, but it works about as well.Great for in-home use, travel, camping, etc. I will be buying more of these.
Rating: 5 5 reviews
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