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Get Cuisinart DGB-500BSKT Brew Basket lowest price. Deals is presented for you on Cuisinart Brew Basket at Best prices. Find for best deals.
Item Information
Cuisinart DGB-500BSKT Brew Basket
Strong Feat
User Reviews
This was a replacement item when the previous basket broke. It was very easy to find the part number and order from Amazon.It works as the previous item, because it is the same. What more can I say? Well, that I love Amazon!
Dennis Thode
The basket was said to fit my coffee maker and it did not. It has a flat edge and mine has a rounded edge.
My Cuisinart DGB-500BSKT Brew Basket came with mixed back and white pieces that where not even together.There was no packaging to protect the pieces speak of.The only reason I kept it was because it would have cost me more money to send it back then it was to purchase.I should note though that when I got it together it did work. It just looks rather odd.
Rating: 4 7 reviews
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