Monday, July 1, 2013

Rattleware 11-1/2-Inch Twist Bar Stirrer/Spoon

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Order Rattleware 11-1/2-Inch Twist Bar Stirrer/Spoon lowest price. lowest price is presented for you on 11-1/2-Inch Twist Bar at Discounted prices. Get for best prices.

Item Description

Rattleware's stainless steel 11.5 inch long handled twist drink spoon. With this long (and mysteriously twisted) handled beverage mixing spoon you can just about reach the bottom of any mixing cup or glass.


  • Stainless steel
  • Can be used on foam or to mix drinks

Customer Opinions

A Must-Have For Any Home Bar
Kyle Altman

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My opinionated review of the Rattleware 11-1/2-Inch Twist Bar Stirrer/Spoon

Pretty, long, sturdy, fun--the right spoon for a tall glass

If you have tall glasses, this is a good long spoon for a good price.It's sturdier than I thought it would be. It's also heavier, so if you have delicate tall glasses, you might want to take care that the spoon doesn't make the glass tip over when it's empty. My tall glasses have heavy bottoms and are fairly sturdy, so that's not a problem for me.At first glance, I thought this spoon was okay looking, interesting but not beautiful. But now that I've gotten used to it, I've come to realize how attractive it is. A tall glass of iced tea or coffee with this spoon in it looks like something that belongs in a fancy cookbook. My kids also think the twist is fun. Even my husband likes to play at twirling it in his fingers. Cute.The spoon is somewhat flat, but not more so than other long spoons I've seen.All in all, a very good buy for the money.


Not a high quality item, but worth what you pay for it. I don't personally like the twist, but that was all that was available in this spending range (just starting a home bar). That said, should do the job just fine.

Rating: 4.2 25 reviews

Tags: 11-1/2-Inch Twist Bar

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