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Item Info
Replacement brewing container for the Toddy Cold Brew System. Includes handle.
Strong Feat
- Specially designed for the Toddy Cold Brew System
- Reusable replacement part
- Plastic (high density polyethylene)
User Reviews
You are paying for a (rather large, mind that fact if you're tight on space!) plastic container with a hole on the bottom. THAT'S IT. It should cost 50 cents. No, really. Can't say I wasn't disappointed, even though great coffee does come out of it - but that's entirely a function of beans and the method itself, not this simple plastic container.Of course, its only benefit is its narrow neck on the bottom where Toddy's own (overpriced) filters fit snugly. Then there is also a hole on the very bottom where Toddy's own (overpriced) stoppers fit to plug it until you want to drain brewed coffee into a storage container (any bottle will do.) You can buy those stoppers at any HD for fifty cents - they have a choice of cork or rubber.Try buying Toddy filters first, and finding a container that narrows down so you can place them well. How about a sturdy plastic bottle - cut out the bottom, turn upside down, no need for stoppers then, just use its cap to drain when done.
Holly J. Galligan
Love the Toddy brewing system. This is the second replacement container I've purchased. It tends to crack right around where the plug goes in. The first one we washed in the dishwasher, the second we were very careful with, but after we moved and took it back out we had the same problem. Hopefully this one will last longer than 1 year.
L. Wehrly
I love this coffee maker! We make a batch and it lasts nearly all week. Everyone can make it as strong or weak as they want. Start with milk, add concentrate and flavoring, microwave and whip it for my every morning latte! Also great for blended drinks when you want something cold. No coffee waste. No pouring part of pot down the drain! And with less acid, finicky stomachs seem to tolerate it. Added benefit: the grounds go out in a big batch for the plants. I had one of these years ago, before they had handles. The handle is a big plus. I've ordered 3 for various friends who like the concentrate. Used the concentrate on a recent camping trip. So much better than dry instant coffee!!! I recommend buying an extra plug and filter to have on hand.
Rating: 4.7 16 reviews
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